A Park that matters

A Park that matters

Parks are essential for social, economic, mental and physical health of a community. Most of the rural people don’t have access to a park in their nearby area. In vidyapatinagar block there is one such park which is much more beautiful than many other parks even when it is not actually a park but 6 to 7 assets of MNREGS on a public land including water harvesting, canal, plantation, and rural connectivity.

1st January 2018

All these schemes are of panchayat Harpur Bochhan. There was a time when all the area near this park used to remain water logged, and then a scheme was introduced for pond filling and removing the surplus water from the area through a canal. Plantations done around the pond comprises many young and adult plants. This place, through rural connectivity connects to three panchayat. On special occasions specially on 1st Jan, it becomes a suitable picnic spot for the locals. Elderly people use it as an eco park.

In the same way there are many such sites in rural areas which can be developed into parks without any additional expense. By these kinds of developments of the assets, they can be made much more visible and leads to a better maintenance of them than earlier.

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Tarun Jha

Founder and Chief Editor of He is a MBA by qualification and working as a Programme Officer at renowned institution. Through this website, he shares his experiences, knowledge and personal view on Rural Bihar.

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